Revival Prayer Call & Upcoming Revival Conference

Prayer Call

Please pray with us for Revival tomorrow Monday night September 24th, 2018.
Brother Brian Long will give the challenge.
The Conference access number is: 1 (712) 770-4160
The access code is : 603053#.
If you have problems with this Tel. No. above, please use this back up No. 1(206)451-6010.
The times below are for each Monday.
Eastern Standard Time 9 p.m.
Central Time 8 p.m.
Mountain Time 7 p.m.
Pacific Time 6 p.m.

How Long O, Lord? 
October 4th – 6th, 2018

Cannot attend? Join live from your home.


4 thoughts on “Revival Prayer Call & Upcoming Revival Conference

  1. Dear Jeremy

    I hope this finds you and your loved ones keeping well. I continue to be blessed by the material on your site, thank you.

    With regard to the conference referred to here, I took a look at the line up of speakers with which bro Brian is attending. I noticed Dr. Michael Brown whose name rang a feint bell as I had a vague recollection of him having been involved in some ‘strange fire’ of some sort. I attach a link which you may be unaware of. It troubles me deeply and I don’t feel at liberty to pray for the conference if this is the sort of ‘revival’ he is anticipating/promoting to the ‘body’. I will pray for discernment for the attendees and organisers though.


    Dr. Michael Brown and Strange Fire at Brownsville This is Dr. Michael Brown in the 1990s when he was a featured speaker at the Brownsville Assembly of God during the “Brownsville Revival.” Notice how he’s working up …

    God bless you.




  2. Dear Jeremy
    our sister Kay Sudgen has publicly exposed this man with the footage to prove it. I would expect your response to this to be public not private for the sake of the body of Christ.


    • Ruth,

      I do understand your concern, trust me I do. The there are three chief reasons I choose not to, at this time, reply to her publicly (although I have already replied). 1.) Due to the nature of the internet and public usage, too many people are turned off to Christianity, for a variety of reasons, but often due to the fact too many professing Christians are arguing their opinions for unbelievers to view, hence causing much confusion and adversity. 2.) I will not speak regarding this on behalf of Brian nor on his site. I simply manage his site for him. 3.) The Lord has not specifically convicted me to expose a man I only know from a video a while ago. I do not know the status of his walk with God now nor if he has repented. I can tell you, as I have grown deeper in the things of God, His doctrines of grace and etc, I certainly did not say things nor write things that were correct in my early years. And even now, we must be so careful as to think we have some sort of “learning” or “know something” of God. I certainly would not want someone to judge me based off of my early years as a Christian. So without further research and without direct direction from the Lord, I will not comment publicly on Brian’s page.

      Hope you understand. You are free to contact me privately and I will better share my opinion when I do have more time. With being a husband, father of 5 and traveling the nation with my job, I have little time to research thoroughly as would be needed.

      I will say, although I may not personally agree with every man there, at this time, I personally support Brian and urge all Christians that they should always be alert in what they are hearing.

      Blessings to you!


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